Exceptional Aussie terrace house with indoor-outdoor interplay

How can we get more specific?

We can improve our ability to articulate the purpose and mechanisms of a creative piece, especially when we’re dealing in the world of color and appearance. One way to do this is not just to rely on physical brand equity tools, such as color chips and swatches, brand style guides, or even product prototypes, but to utilize newer online tools that drive specificity for appearance (including color, texture, movement, and patterning), such as:

  • Digital color standards and libraries that allow us to see how desired colors will appear in a final product, and how these colors will vary depending on the materials and production processes that are used
  • Brand microsites that provide permission-based access to digital assets and communicate effectively with all workflow participants to keep the work on-brand.
  • Virtualization tools that help obtain buy-in for the vision so work can get started faster.

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