GSOMIA termination and sequence renewal GSOMIA termination and sequence renewal - Shorts Cars

GSOMIA termination and sequence renewal

Main article: Japan–South Korea General Security of Military Information Agreement

As retaliation against Japan's decision to restrict export of high-tech materials and remove of South Korea from its export “white list,” South Korea decided on the termination of the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA). The General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) is an agreement signed in November 2016 by South Korea and Japan to share sensitive information about threats from North Korea. According to Article 21 of the agreement, the GSOMIA will automatically be renewed for a year unless one of two countries announce a termination notice 90 days prior to the extension of the agreement.

Deputy of Blue House national security office, Kim You-geun, announced on 22 August that South Korea decided to give Japan the required 90 day notice to terminate the military intelligence sharing pact. According to South Korea, Japan did not meet Seoul's “national interests” to maintain the deal. They also stated that Tokyo has failed to communicate a clear explanation for placing controls on certain exports to South Korea. The decisions were announced after hours-long debate in National Security Command (NSC). On the other hand, South Korean Foreign Ministry added that the decision to terminate the military-sharing pact was due to trust issue between the two countries. GSOMIA initially set to expire on 23 November 2019 but South Korea decide to reverse decision to continue the agreement on 22 November

The 2019 Japan–South Korea trade dispute (Japanese: 2019年 日韓貿易紛争; Korean: 2019년 한일무역분쟁), sometimes also known as Japan–South Korea economic war, is an ongoing economic conflict between the world's third and eleventh largest national economies, Japan and South Korea.

The conflict was fuelled by the legacy of World War II, and the ruling of the Supreme Court of South Korea which ruled in October and November 2018 that 10 forced labour victims were able to claim compensation from many Japanese companies.

The cause of the conflict was officially cited by the Japanese government as the South Korean government allegedly not complying with export control security regulations and ignoring the Japanese government's request to have a bilateral trade dialogue for three years, but it was also characterized by a dispute over legacy of Japanese colonialism of the Korean Peninsula from 1910 to 1945, particularly the issue of "forced labour" and comfort women compensation. The trade dispute has caused a significant deterioration in Japan–South Korea relations to the lowest point since the two countries normalized their diplomatic relations in 1965.