Solar Stratos Team Aims to Fly Emissions-free to Edge of Space – FutureFlight Aviation International News Solar Stratos Team Aims to Fly Emissions-free to Edge of Space – FutureFlight Aviation International News - Shorts Cars
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Solar Stratos Team Aims to Fly Emissions-free to Edge of Space – FutureFlight Aviation International News

Solar Stratos founder Raphael Domjan and his team have built an aircraft that runs entirely on power from the sun to demonstrate flight to the edge of space without emitting any carbon. He admits this is a challenging adventure that will represent a first for green aviation and require pilots to fly to 50,000 feet or higher in a small electric aircraft that operates like a glider.

Promoting renewable energies to protect our planet's climate

of greenhouse gases, demonstrating that concepts and projects that seemed inconceivable a short time ago are now possible with the technologies available today, which are still in their infancy, particularly in terms of solar electric aviation. 

SolarStratos also aims to demonstrate that with today’s technologies it is possible to achieve feats beyond the potential of fossil fuels: electric and solar vehicles are among the great challenges of the 21st century. Our aircraft, which will be able to fly in the stratosphere, opens a door to this aviation and to the mobility of tomorrow.

This journey will be possible thanks to the power of the sun

In order to limit the weight of the aircraft and make this feat possible, the aircraft will not be pressurised, forcing its pilot, Raphaël Domjan, to wear a pressurised astronaut suit, powered only by solar energy, also a world first.