Dear Sergey,
More often than not, a good story takes digging. Occasionally they fall in your lap through press releases or tips, but a majority of the time you have to go find them, and once you do, the real work—the digging—begins.
That's exactly what happened with James Gilboy's feature on Cash for Clunkers, the Great Recession-era federal program that incentivized destroying old cars so people would buy new ones.
The article started with an idea: Let's find the long lost list of cars killed in the program and break down what makes, models, exotics, and relics met their fateful end thanks to CFC.
Then, the digging began. James discovered the archive on a long-defunct government website and sifted through 677,081 cars to find the ones worth talking about.
This story and the one that accompanies it below are the fruits of that labor. We hope you enjoy them as much as our other newsletter subscribers did.